

  • Python 3.6

  • NumPy 1.8 (or greater)

  • Numba

  • SciPy 0.13 (or greater)

  • matplotlib 1.3 (or greater)


  • IPython

  • Jupyter Notebook

Installing Python

The recommended way to intall Python and the dependencies of this package is using conda package manager from Anaconda Inc. You may download and install Miniconda from which contains both Python and conda package manager.

Installing pyGeoStatistics

First, download the source code or clone from our Github repository.

pyGeoStatistics is recommended to be installed in a seperate python environment which can be easily created with conda. For example, with requirements.yml file the following command will create an environment named pyGeoStatistics_env with all of our denpendencies installed.

conda update conda
conda env create --file environments.yml

Then, run the following command to install pyGeoStatistics.

python install